Monday, November 26, 2007

So, Chau and I came up with a ridiculously excellent idea for a new korean drama featuring a vietnamese girl ;) ...

captainchau20: i read your blog about those korean boys
kait x face: hahahha
captainchau20: sooo did you give him your number
kait x face: yes
captainchau20: AWWWW
captainchau20: how cute its like a friggin korean drama
kait x face: ahhahhahha
kait x face: theyre so cute.
kait x face: like..korean drama boys.
captainchau20: cute good looking cute or cute nice guy cute
kait x face: the latter
kait x face: i usually dont go
kait x face: for guys that look totally asian
captainchau20: but?
kait x face: hahaha
kait x face: he was so nice
captainchau20: aahhah has he called you yet
kait x face: yah
kait x face: he called me the other night
kait x face: and hes like
kait x face: yah i just got out of basketball w/ friends
kait x face: wanna go for a ride
kait x face: i just got a new car
kait x face: and i was packing
captainchau20: awww
captainchau20: not so charming?
kait x face: lol?
kait x face: no i really was packing.
kait x face: i was leaving the next day
captainchau20: awww
captainchau20: long distance korean love romance
captainchau20: next thing i know youll be in a comma or fall in love with his twin brother
captainchau20: DUN DUN
kait x face: omg, i should totally make this a movie.
captainchau20: DUDE I SHOULD DIRECT IT
captainchau20: ill title it kaitlyns korean love experiment
kait x face: HAHAH yessss!
captainchau20: heck yes
kait x face: omg, itll be a documentary made into a movie
kait x face: it'll be a korean drama...featuring a vietnamese girl
kait x face: ^_~
captainchau20: everythin sounds great except the whole me stalking you part makes me feel like a loser
kait x face: hahaha okay..fine i give you permission.
kait x face: just dont go near the bedroom scenario
captainchau20: DAM
captainchau20: i was just gonna say that
kait x face: hahaha you're so funny.
captainchau20: funny you say
captainchau20: i have a very serious face on right now
kait x face: oh. i'm sorry.
kait x face: itll be the ultimate korean drama
kait x face: EVER MADE
kait x face: ITLL BEAT "MY SASSY GIRL"
captainchau20: you can be my breakthrough into korean drama and soft core porn
kait x face: omgg...soft core porn?! whoa there.
captainchau20: all i need is leighann and itll be a big orgy
kait x face: lets keep this pg for the kids, shall we?

kait x face: im so excited
kait x face: you better be getting your gears ready
kait x face: our first date
kait x face: is when i come back from san diego
kait x face: in his mini black coup
captainchau20: ahhaha dude that would be sooo cooo if i could actually do it
captainchau20: i think i would be good too
kait x face: really now. well, what's stopping ya? ;)
captainchau20: OMG and we would be like following in the tradetitions of wongfuproductions
captainchau20: SD SON
kait x face: wow. this is going to be a masterpiece.
kait x face: shoot, we'll BEAT wongfuproductions!
kait x face: i mean, they didnt have korean drama twins did they?!
captainchau20: truee
captainchau20: but those sd bitches in their video were ultra hot/cut
kait x face: omg um, YEAH?!
captainchau20: kaitlyn you gotta step it up ok

captainchau20: dude i just had a genius idea
kait x face: what
captainchau20: imma interview dr. bui and your work buddies as a part of my film
captainchau20: if it ever happens that is
kait x face: omg, what do you need to interview my dentist boss for!
kait x face: not allowed.
captainchau20: man the things dr. bui will say about you
captainchau20: ahahah
kait x face: omgsh, he loves me.
kait x face: im his favorite employee
kait x face: ^_~
captainchau20: thats what you think
kait x face: ...
captainchau20: everytime im there
captainchau20: i learn something new
captainchau20: ahhaha
kait x face: =[
kait x face: like what?!
captainchau20: secret
captainchau20: you have to watch the tape
captainchau20: itll be like wongfu short
captainchau20: with interviews and commentaries and stuff
captainchau20: im so awesome
kait x face: how is that related to my korean drama romance?
captainchau20: its related to you
kait x face: but what does that have to do with my dentist and coworkers!
captainchau20: im sure they know about your dating life
kait x face: omg korean guy is calling me!
kait x face: should i pick up.
captainchau20: yes
captainchau20: ahahha
captainchau20: dude i wish i could tape you on the phone with him
captainchau20: hilarious
captainchau20: imma go grab some food from thanh my if you know where that is i want a full report when i got back


...yeah, we were bored.


It's never too late to say,

Happy Thanksgiving!

- My family. My friends. People who matter.
- The wonderful memories throughout the years.
- The experience gained and lessons learned.
- The moments that mean a lot to me. dandy.

Update? I'm a-okay.

Thank you dan for bringing vivian to SD.
hehe, you guys are awesome. =)
Vivian, I am absolutely glad we got to catch up
on EVERYTHING that night until 6 in the morning.

Oh! Did anyone go blackfriday shopping? I didn't. But it's alright (harrison, don't feel bad at ALL!). I got to catch up on my sleep. and spent the entire weekend pretty much with Vivian ;)


we be gangsters..? bwhahhaa..

at the bar ;) looks like a real house, but it's actually at Macy's, LOL.

Hehe, reunited with the partner-in-crime (camerawhoring)

The thanksgiving dinner reunion
with the highschool people was wonderful. I'm glad i got to catch up with some people. :)

the girls.


i like how christina and tom have their own picture
in the background, and Nichole is just randomly popping in.


Hehe. I made friends with korean twins at the club.
That is kinda random. and funny ^_~

Okay, story. Oh, but first off, STEVE YOU ARE A FREAKIN' COCKBLOCKER. =( But anyways, so i was dancing and this guy came up and asked to dance. As I was dancing, I could've sworn I saw another guy that looked exactly like him walking pass me. So I asked the guy if I was crazy and am seeing double. He said he had a twin! So cute. So he called his twin over, and they both danced with me. Then they introduced me to their friends (some of the guys in the background). Then the first twin asked for my number. And I was tempted to give him a fake number but I felt so bad since he was SO nice. =( But yeah...the story shall continue some other day. =)

Right Now, I am about to knock out because it's 4:30 in the morning and I need to meet up with my professor tomorrow.


P.S. What. A. Weekend. ^_~

(the rest of the pix are on facebook...)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I never knew,
I never knew that everything was falling through.
That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue
[for me] To turn and run.
when all I needed was the truth.
But that's how it's got to be
It's coming down to nothing more than apathy.
I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
The smoke and who's still standing when it clears.

Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
[he's] on your mind
[he's] on your mind..

Let's rearrange.
I wish you were a stranger I could disengage
Just say that we agree
and then never change
Soften a bit until we all just get along
But that's disregard;
Find another friend and you discard.

And suddenly I become a part of your past
I'm becoming the part that don't last
I'm losing you and its effortless
Without a sound we lose sight of the ground
In the throw around
Never thought that you wanted to bring it down.


i don't understand why people change so fast, quite similar to the seasons of tomorrow. one moment you got the sunshine and the smiles, the golden leaves on a warm afternoon. but within a blink of an innocent eye, you got the rain and the tears coming down at you, the cold breeze and the overcast. hopefully in time, the flowers will bloom again. It's unfortunate when life changes along with the seasons. It makes me sad, knowing that life can be a tad bit unfair.

but then again,
life's too short to dwell on things that shouldn't have mattered in the first place.
i certainly don't think i regret any of it..for the most part. ^.^

And HEY,
I got the greatest of friends. <3

thank you [x times] infinity. you guys know who you are. ^_~
::::bear hugs & kissies::::

gahhh i need to sleep...immediately! it's 4 in the morning. ='/

Monday, November 19, 2007

Letting Go

i came in with feelings i've never felt before, and i got out with equal magnitude of feelings, only they've flipped 180 degrees. With other guys, I moved on pretty fast. It hurt, sure, but with one guy after another, I didn't look back. I thought there was something wrong with me. I seemed to be fickle with my emotions, to be unsure of what I want and not take the risk in the end. But I know now, that i'm not like that. Not when the person does really mean something to me. My emotions and feelings didn't change this time around. But unfortunately, his did. All my life, I tended to push guys away subconciously, but deep down, I guess I was always hoping for someone to hold my hand and not let go. I was hoping that they'll think it's worth it to hold on and try to break down the wall. But this time, I never even thought about pushing him away. I felt he was different. I felt a connection, a feeling I've never had before with other guys. I saw something in him that I didn't see in the other guys. I thought i saw something in his eyes that told me that he'd stay, even if it meant for a bit until circumstances allowed it otherwise. least I thought I did. He seemed different, one of those good guys you could put yourself out there and know that he'd be there for you. I thought something was there between us, that i could trust him not to hurt me. But the spark died, didn't it... Why do feelings change so quickly? Why does it have to hurt so much. I was pushed away, and I thought it was worth hanging on. But he won't let me.

"I took my chance when I kissed you at the cliffs."

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Desperate for changing.
starving for truth.
I'm closer to where I started,
chasing after you.
I'm falling even more in...with you,
letting go of all i've held onto.
I'm standing here until you make me move;
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.

Forgetting all i'm lacking,
completely incomplete;
I [took] all your invitation,
you [took] all of me..

I'm running
and not quite sure where to go.
And I [didn't] know what I [was] diving into.
Just hanging by a moment here with you

There's nothing else to lose.
[you say] There's nothing else to find.

Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started
Chasing after you.

Just hanging by a moment,
Hanging by a moment,
Hanging by a moment here with you.


There's an awful lot of breathing room, but I can hardly move.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So he handed me back my Hum paper and said, "Loved it."

Hehe. It's amazing how two simple words can totally brighten up a person's day! My tummy felt quite bubbly as I hugged my Hum portfolio and hurried out of the lecture hall. I decided I deserved an ice cream, so I went into Sierra Summit and bought a cup of STRAWBERRY VANILLA, yeeeeyeeee! =) While waiting in line, I decided to peek at the comments he wrote: "One of the best essays I've read for this topic..." EEeeEEEee *squeals. Normally, I wouldn't be too enthusiastic about a grade. Okay, that's a downright lie. I would (because I'm such a nerd at heart!). BUT. I wouldn't dedicate a blog entry on it! You see, physics has gotten me quite discouraged. Which is why, I get really excited when I do well in other classes. I'm pleased with my Stats midterm, and I'm crossing my fingers on the second Ochem midterm I just took two days ago. Hopefully, these grades will be just the encouragement I need. Perhaps it will balance out with my shameful grade in Phsyics *blushes sadly. I guess you could say today sorta gave me a sense of motivation to try even harder, in hopes of pushing my grades up a notch by the end of Fall Quarter. *crosses fingers* Despite my determination to break free of my procrastinating habit, however, I still tend to get ridiculously distracted at random intervals. No good!

sw33tijen15: heyyy
sw33tijen15: hows it going
sw33tijen15: geisel?
kait x face: yahh
sw33tijen15: very nice
sw33tijen15: haha ur such a library geek now
sw33tijen15: :-)
sw33tijen15: very sexy

<3 style="font-weight: bold;">

Oh! here's a funny conversation with Jennifer Jing again (while i was at geisel):

sw33tijen15: have u been hit on yet?

sw33tijen15: havent had ur daily hit-on run-in yet?
kait x face: hahahahahahhahahahah
kait x face: jen! this is the library.
sw33tijen15: given out a fake number yet? and retracted it and given out ur real number?
kait x face: people go here to study. not to get hit on.
sw33tijen15: not yet?
kait x face: hahah omg...i'm at the library!
sw33tijen15: uh well obviously EVERYWHERE u go
sw33tijen15: u get hit on
kait x face: um, NO?!
sw33tijen15: u could be dead
sw33tijen15: in a morgue
kait x face: *sniff
sw33tijen15: and the guy fixing you up
sw33tijen15: would hit on ur corpse
kait x face: NASTYYYYY
kait x face: OMG
kait x face: hahahhahahah

sw33tijen15: we need to tie you to a space shuttle and ship you to jupiter or something
sw33tijen15: so the jupiterians
sw33tijen15: can all hit on you
kait x face: OMG
sw33tijen15: and you can leave
sw33tijen15: all the human men
kait x face: okay jen
kait x face: please stop
sw33tijen15: to hit on the women on earth
sw33tijen15: HAHAHAAH
kait x face: i think
kait x face: this is like
kait x face: story of your life
kait x face: not mine
kait x face: you got it mixed up.
sw33tijen15: haha
sw33tijen15: nope
sw33tijen15: its very clear
sw33tijen15: khwangkigga: you're making kaitlyn laugh out loud, literally
khwangkigga: she's giggling right across from me
sw33tijen15: hahaha

Um, now you can see why I get so distracted, even at the library ^_~

Monday, November 12, 2007

it takes two to tango...

So we had this interesting conversation one afternoon.

You know how people say that it's the beginning, when the chase is fresh, that you tend to try more? You're interested, and you want it. Shoot, you would do whatever it takes to get it. And once you get it, you either keep trying just as hard in hopes of bettering what you already have.. OR. you stop trying as much as before because you know you've already got what you wanted and you think that there's no way you're gonna lose least, not anytime soon. with as little effort as possible, things remain the way it is; but you don't mind --thats how you want it anyways.

She said-- most of the time, people do latter. It's natural to want the easy way out, where work is kept to the minimum. I understand. Well, I still find that rather unfortunate. But hey, what can I say?

Friday, November 9, 2007

passion tea. my favorite. ^_~
yay for photoshop.



first off, i'd like the world to know that Ochem should go suck a dingdong.
it's unfortunate that i would be spending my 4 days veterans weekend learning about organic compounds of crap.

but okay. so i really need to learn how to say NO to some people. the other day, i was studying for ochem at Geisel by myself (well, that's a first!) when the phone vibrated. i had to step out of the library for a wee bit to take the phonecall, so I asked the guy sitting behind me to watch my laptop. he said sure! i talked for 15 minutes outside. then i went back in, said thanks!, and continued with my studying. As i was packing up, ready to leave, the guy came up to me. He noticed my ochem book and asked if i was a bio major. i said yes. He introduced himself, and we chatted for a bit. Turned out, he was a 3rd year who just transfered to ucsd from la. after our little chat, he was like, "Oh, so can i get your number? we should hang out sometime and get to know each other better." And I was like, O_O!! what am i supposed to say to that?! RAWR. so i gave it to him. So now, some random guy has my number and i don't even remember his name. ='( I need to learn how to say no. but the question do i go about doing that without hurting their feelins?!

I remember, at a club for some frat, this guy asked for my number. and once again, i failed to say no. i gave him my fake number instead. After i entered the digits into his phone, he leaned over, showed me what i just entered, and asked "so is this your right number?" and my head was swimming with YES, NO, MAYBE SO answers...and i blushed and replied truthfully, "No." I ended up giving him my real number instead. I NEED TO BE SMOOTHER, rawr.


oh oh! SO.
Ben visited on thursday! (until Friday evening) :)
he left home at 630 in the morning and arrived quite promptly at 8 - 830ish? I am so distracted when he's here. i got NO studying done whatsoever. except those 2.5 hours when i was over at jon's apartment, and danny was going through 2 chapters of Ochem (so nice! ^_^) pre-veteran's weekend. :) I guess it makes up for the next 4 days of gruelsome studyment. OooOooh, i forgot to mention. Ben surprised me with the Passion Tea box and the syrup bottle from Starbucks. *giggle. ^_~ My favorite drink is now available in the kitchen whenever I desire it. Thank you *blushes*. =)

one last thing... Lab: 0, Kaitlyn: 2 ! BOOYAH! ;P

That is all.



at VSA's semiformal!


oh, the rest of the pictures on here:

Lator, Gators ~

Friday, November 2, 2007

i miss home.


I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
you get your fill to eat
but always keep that hunger.
May you never take one single breath for granted,
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed.
I hope you still feel small
when you stand by the ocean.
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens.
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance.
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...

i hope you dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance.
Never settle for the path of least resistance.
Living might mean taking chances,
but they're worth taking.
Lovin' might be a mistake,
but it's worth making.
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter.
When you come close to selling out,
Give the heavens above
more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...

I hope you dance.

Sometimes, you just gotta take a step back and look at the big picture for what it is. Life is made up of many segments that divide the aspects of how you perceive things. You just gotta learn how to piece the puzzle back together, and things will eventually fall into place. Tackle life one step at a time. Learn from your mistakes. Strive to do better. Set your priorities. Appreciate the little things. Give it a shot. Never look back. I know they all tell me that it's better to stop now than to keep going. But the "what ifs" will always keep you wondering if you don't take chances. No matter how much it will hurt in the end, i've gone too far into it to step back and say, "no more." I want it, I really do. Maybe a lot more than you do.

"Life is not the amount of breathes you take--it's the moments that take your breathe away."

- Hitch.

Physics sucks. ='(
Two more chances. They say third time's a charm..?