Monday, November 26, 2007

So, Chau and I came up with a ridiculously excellent idea for a new korean drama featuring a vietnamese girl ;) ...

captainchau20: i read your blog about those korean boys
kait x face: hahahha
captainchau20: sooo did you give him your number
kait x face: yes
captainchau20: AWWWW
captainchau20: how cute its like a friggin korean drama
kait x face: ahhahhahha
kait x face: theyre so cute.
kait x face: like..korean drama boys.
captainchau20: cute good looking cute or cute nice guy cute
kait x face: the latter
kait x face: i usually dont go
kait x face: for guys that look totally asian
captainchau20: but?
kait x face: hahaha
kait x face: he was so nice
captainchau20: aahhah has he called you yet
kait x face: yah
kait x face: he called me the other night
kait x face: and hes like
kait x face: yah i just got out of basketball w/ friends
kait x face: wanna go for a ride
kait x face: i just got a new car
kait x face: and i was packing
captainchau20: awww
captainchau20: not so charming?
kait x face: lol?
kait x face: no i really was packing.
kait x face: i was leaving the next day
captainchau20: awww
captainchau20: long distance korean love romance
captainchau20: next thing i know youll be in a comma or fall in love with his twin brother
captainchau20: DUN DUN
kait x face: omg, i should totally make this a movie.
captainchau20: DUDE I SHOULD DIRECT IT
captainchau20: ill title it kaitlyns korean love experiment
kait x face: HAHAH yessss!
captainchau20: heck yes
kait x face: omg, itll be a documentary made into a movie
kait x face: it'll be a korean drama...featuring a vietnamese girl
kait x face: ^_~
captainchau20: everythin sounds great except the whole me stalking you part makes me feel like a loser
kait x face: hahaha okay..fine i give you permission.
kait x face: just dont go near the bedroom scenario
captainchau20: DAM
captainchau20: i was just gonna say that
kait x face: hahaha you're so funny.
captainchau20: funny you say
captainchau20: i have a very serious face on right now
kait x face: oh. i'm sorry.
kait x face: itll be the ultimate korean drama
kait x face: EVER MADE
kait x face: ITLL BEAT "MY SASSY GIRL"
captainchau20: you can be my breakthrough into korean drama and soft core porn
kait x face: omgg...soft core porn?! whoa there.
captainchau20: all i need is leighann and itll be a big orgy
kait x face: lets keep this pg for the kids, shall we?

kait x face: im so excited
kait x face: you better be getting your gears ready
kait x face: our first date
kait x face: is when i come back from san diego
kait x face: in his mini black coup
captainchau20: ahhaha dude that would be sooo cooo if i could actually do it
captainchau20: i think i would be good too
kait x face: really now. well, what's stopping ya? ;)
captainchau20: OMG and we would be like following in the tradetitions of wongfuproductions
captainchau20: SD SON
kait x face: wow. this is going to be a masterpiece.
kait x face: shoot, we'll BEAT wongfuproductions!
kait x face: i mean, they didnt have korean drama twins did they?!
captainchau20: truee
captainchau20: but those sd bitches in their video were ultra hot/cut
kait x face: omg um, YEAH?!
captainchau20: kaitlyn you gotta step it up ok

captainchau20: dude i just had a genius idea
kait x face: what
captainchau20: imma interview dr. bui and your work buddies as a part of my film
captainchau20: if it ever happens that is
kait x face: omg, what do you need to interview my dentist boss for!
kait x face: not allowed.
captainchau20: man the things dr. bui will say about you
captainchau20: ahahah
kait x face: omgsh, he loves me.
kait x face: im his favorite employee
kait x face: ^_~
captainchau20: thats what you think
kait x face: ...
captainchau20: everytime im there
captainchau20: i learn something new
captainchau20: ahhaha
kait x face: =[
kait x face: like what?!
captainchau20: secret
captainchau20: you have to watch the tape
captainchau20: itll be like wongfu short
captainchau20: with interviews and commentaries and stuff
captainchau20: im so awesome
kait x face: how is that related to my korean drama romance?
captainchau20: its related to you
kait x face: but what does that have to do with my dentist and coworkers!
captainchau20: im sure they know about your dating life
kait x face: omg korean guy is calling me!
kait x face: should i pick up.
captainchau20: yes
captainchau20: ahahha
captainchau20: dude i wish i could tape you on the phone with him
captainchau20: hilarious
captainchau20: imma go grab some food from thanh my if you know where that is i want a full report when i got back


...yeah, we were bored.


It's never too late to say,

Happy Thanksgiving!

- My family. My friends. People who matter.
- The wonderful memories throughout the years.
- The experience gained and lessons learned.
- The moments that mean a lot to me. dandy.

Update? I'm a-okay.

Thank you dan for bringing vivian to SD.
hehe, you guys are awesome. =)
Vivian, I am absolutely glad we got to catch up
on EVERYTHING that night until 6 in the morning.

Oh! Did anyone go blackfriday shopping? I didn't. But it's alright (harrison, don't feel bad at ALL!). I got to catch up on my sleep. and spent the entire weekend pretty much with Vivian ;)


we be gangsters..? bwhahhaa..

at the bar ;) looks like a real house, but it's actually at Macy's, LOL.

Hehe, reunited with the partner-in-crime (camerawhoring)

The thanksgiving dinner reunion
with the highschool people was wonderful. I'm glad i got to catch up with some people. :)

the girls.


i like how christina and tom have their own picture
in the background, and Nichole is just randomly popping in.


Hehe. I made friends with korean twins at the club.
That is kinda random. and funny ^_~

Okay, story. Oh, but first off, STEVE YOU ARE A FREAKIN' COCKBLOCKER. =( But anyways, so i was dancing and this guy came up and asked to dance. As I was dancing, I could've sworn I saw another guy that looked exactly like him walking pass me. So I asked the guy if I was crazy and am seeing double. He said he had a twin! So cute. So he called his twin over, and they both danced with me. Then they introduced me to their friends (some of the guys in the background). Then the first twin asked for my number. And I was tempted to give him a fake number but I felt so bad since he was SO nice. =( But yeah...the story shall continue some other day. =)

Right Now, I am about to knock out because it's 4:30 in the morning and I need to meet up with my professor tomorrow.


P.S. What. A. Weekend. ^_~

(the rest of the pix are on facebook...)