Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello e'rr body :)


what a way to end 2007.
Is this the beginning of a new end...or the end of a new beginning yet again? Flashbacks of great memories are quite overwhelming at times like these, eeek. My head is swimming with everything that has happened since day one of...wow, last year! Ahherghlks, normally I would do the usual major update of every significant event that has happened within the year 'o7 through the use of (what else?) pictures, but it's quite unfortunate that all of them remain on my old laptop still. I've never gotten the courage to blow 100+ dollars on an external hard drive, nor have I found the time to not be lazy and upload them onto my new laptop. Boo. Oh wells.

My thoughts on the status quo of my life? Hm, wonderful! I'm happy. :)
But i'm also scared. I'm scared of making the same mistakes. I'm scared of falling. again. I'm scared of not knowing where I'm headed--as each year approaches, I find myself more uncertain of what I want to do now. /)_(\ Aaaand not only that, I find myself getting older, it's disgusting! Why can't i fly to Neverland and forever be the kid that I am. Hehe, kidding. I don't mind growing up. Life can be unfair and unpredictable, but it can also be fun at the same time. The downs make me appreciate the ups more, for sure. Everything changes and nothing is constant, but hey, what can you do about it? My New Year's resolution? Hrrrm...keep myself busy. A little vague there, I know, but it's more for myself to get ^_~ Heh.

Oh, oh! I finally watched Click. Bwahhahaa..i'm a year late, i know. I can't believe I cried. Maybe i can blame it on the unstability of my emotions as the time of the month approaches, bwahahahaha....just kidding. No but really. Watching that movie makes me appreciate my family so much more. I love how my familly and i are able to find time every holiday to go on mini vacations, even if they are not far (such as the mountains or San Diego Animal Zoo Park). It makes me all warm inside whenever we are together because it's so difficult to find time for each other now. I'm in San Diego most of the year, my brother has school and work, my mom works on the weekends, and my dad works during the week. So yeah, I really do appreciate the times we have together as a family. And, I am determined to make sure that when I have a family of my own, my 239480394 kids will have all the attention they need. :) Family trips will always be a must! And, I will have my parents around no matter what happens because i love them to death. Hehe, okay now I am just rambling. My apologies!

So, I guess since I won't be doing a flashback update, I'll do a flash-present update...of New Years Eve! :)

Oh, but first...here are the pictures I stole from Jessica:

Our Christmas Dinner:

"Cleavage shot" Oh, Leighann...

hahah the height differences made it more difficult than it looks.

We like to touch.


And then...for New Years Eve, we went to the snow! :) It was exciting actually. I woke up at 6 to get ready and pack. Then, I headed over to Vivian's house and together, we took the bus to the train station.


*crosses it off list of things-to-do-before-i-die*

at the train station. (vivian is cheating with her heel boots!) :(
I look EXTRA short.

our train tickets from Orange County to North Main Corona. :)

view from the train.

So we rode the train to Corona to meet up with Ben and Harrison (so that they didn't have to drive all the way to Garden Grove just to pick us up). Then, the four of us hopped into Ben's car and went to Big Bear! :)

On our way to Big Bear...no snow yet! hehe

Ben's and My masterpiece. Its name is "Obie" =0)


He tried to get rid of me by burying me into the snow...RAWR.

More pictures are on facebook, under the album "Winterbreak 07" and "Winterbreak 07 part 2"

enjoy the rest of your holidays! :)