Saturday, December 8, 2007


Brace yourself for an uberly long post because I will be MIA for the next week due to finals. Right now, it's 1:47 am. Lets see how long it will take me to actually write in here for once. =)

Hm. Where to begin...

My day! 'Errgo.

Jen's birthday was yesterday. I really don't recall much, but I just remember that I isolated myself at geisel for the longest time and learned a good amount of Ochem. =) And after eating cake at 2 in the morning with my apartment-mates (plus Kerry), everyone became delirious--which eventually led to the flabberghasting moment in which Jen mooned us. Oh, you birthday girl you.

hehehe the 20-year-old.

Afterwards, I studied until 6 in the morning and knocked out.

I woke up at freakin' 1 pm and went to hum class to pick up my essay. Then ben and steve picked me up from the Lecture Hall and drove me to a florist shop to get flowers for Jen's and Maecy's birthday. Hehe, I never realized how expensive flowers (especially roses) are. I am SO much more appreciative of flowers given to me now. *blushes* =) Sigh. Anyhoo, afterwards, I went to the Imprint room to photocopy an entire notebook of Ochem lecture notes. Unfortunately, at the register, I couldn't pay for it because they only accept cash (no visa card); I didn't have any cash on me. Oh, the embarrassment! =[ Luckily, the guy at the register was SO sweet--he winked and changed it so that the amount became $0.00 so that I didn't have to pay at all. =) People are SO kind sometimes, I am very thankful to be saved from further embarrassment and the inconvenience of running back to my apartment to get cash!

Leaving the Imprint Room, I felt very jubilant. I went to geisel, ready to get my studying on! Rather unfortunately (since i get SO easily distracted), i saw Logan studying there so I came over to say hi. Then Mike called my name from the other table, so that just led to more distractments. I got some printing done on the computer in the basement, but when I went back upstairs, Logan left. Mike kept talking to me from across the other table until a guy went "SHHHHHH". I felt bad, so I moved to his table, where he introduced me to his friend Mark. Afterwards, Mike and I walked back to our apartment. He brought his skate, so I asked if i could learn how to skateboard =) SO, SO, SO FUN! *giggle* On the way, Ryan attacked Mike in the dark, and all three of us went back to Brennan Hall. Mike and Ryan tried to hold me while i skateboarded all the way from geisel to Brennan. =) I did fall once, and Mike was holding onto me so I accidentally pulled him down with me. Ryan tried to help catch us, but he ended up falling down too. LOL, so all three of us fell down as the skateboard rolled away gleefully. =( Such a workout.

After washing up and getting ready, the girls and Cliff left for Jen's and Maecy's birthday dinner.
But first, some pictures to go along with my narration =)

Hehe, the typical mirror picture.

Ready for some YUMMY FOOD. =) (minus Carson)

The Lovely birthday girls. =) this picture is SO cute.

And then... We were reunited with our 5th roomate--Carson--at Rock Bottom! Hehe.

Maecy, Jen, Carson, Steph, & Me.

It was wonderful seeing familiar faces again and catching up with some people. =)

Our old suitemates =)

Hhahahah after numerous poses, this was the best one. :)

hahah julie's imitating Kelsey's "funny pose".

Lol! CLIFF!!! HAHAHAH his head is VERY big
and he looks like he was cropped and pasted
onto this picture. As for Eric, Me, and Julie in the back..
LOL! We kinda jumped into the background =)

The birthday girls again... plus, a rejected Cliff.

The Cutting of the Cake.

Group Picture. =)

the rest of the pictures shall be posted later.