Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So after tonight, I realized something.

I realized that I deserve so much more. Whatever shit you're trying to tell me has only proved to be your twisted way of making me feel guilty. And you know what, for a while, I believed you. I thought maybe I never learned from my past relationship. That perhaps, you were right all along. But I'm tired of you making me feel like the shitty girlfriend you made me believe that I am. I've tried. You said you wanted things to change. And I said I wanted things to change. We agreed to compromise. And guess what? After tonight, where the fuck were the compromises. Did you expect something. I'm sorry about the situation, but I'm not apologizing to you. Because it was not my damn fault. How fucking immature can you get. Have some consideration.

Time and time again, people have told me that you were never good for me. Those who care have come up to me and told me straight out that I deserved better. That I needed to find someone who would not end up making me feel like shit every other second of the damn day. And time and time again, I would tell them that I knew what I was doing. That it was worth being with you. But now, I'm beginning to realize that maybe they're right. That maybe I was fighting a lost cause. That maybe I really did not know what I was doing. I wanted to prove to them that they were wrong, and that it
was worth fighting for. And I would want more than anything for you to prove them wrong as well. But so far, you've only helped prove them right each time.

"I really like you." Well, why don't you say that honestly for once, instead of having your fucking dick saying that for you everytime. Whatever happened to compromises? Yeah, just fuck that shit. Don't matter. It was all talk.