Sunday, October 28, 2007

OKAY. I'm back in San Diego.
The fire has seem to have disappeared as sleekly as it has appeared. mMm...coming home may or may not be a bad thing, depending on my approach to how I dealt with things. But I must say...Ididn't realize how much I was missing my family! The week in which us san diego kids had off made quite a few UC students from all around envious. pfffffft. but it's a shame i didn't get to enjoy it as much as I was hoping to. Due to school and ecetera. But I'll get back to you on that. I'm slooowly falling asleep as I'm typing so i think i'll just end it....

right here.

okay, picture update from the week prior to this week:

So, it was Ryan's birthday. our whole floormates from last year surprised him with basketball tickets to...the Suns vs. Clippers and Lakers vs. Bobcats at the Staples Center in LA. It was quite an epic driving from San Diego to LA.

LOL jen's mouth.
soo..we had to entertain ourselves somehow! :)

Lakers vs. Bobcats!

The National Anthem.

all sweaty after the 3 hours drive. all 6 of us fit in Kelsey's jeep.
and we were the first one there!

some of the girls striking a pose. ;) I do enjoy jen grabbing my left boob.

After the second game ended at 10ish, guess who drove up to LA to pick me up? hehe =) Ben drove me back down to Long Beach and we attended Harrison's birthday party. I was reunited with vivian =) It was our first time not camera whoring that night, so sadly, i cannot post up 23049 pictures of us this time. bwhahahaha, just kidding.

we do have ONE picture of us together that ben took, though I look slightly red due to, uhm, just ONE taste of the Gold Schlagera;ldkfja;sdlkfj whatever you call it. or as Maecy would call it
"GoldSlick" from superbad.

theres the birthday boy!

me and ben!

Okay okay, lastly,
I have pictures of the fire. The night Ben drove me home from San Diego on..tuesday, away from the fire, we passed by a section on the freeway where the entire land next to us was up in flames. The scenery was so intense. It's unfortunate that I wasn't able to capture its intensity. =(

we see the fire up ahead on our way back.


Yeah, so that was pretty much it for this month.
I'm anxious to get this month over with. =/