Wednesday, October 3, 2007

EEEeeeeeEEeeeeee, so i lied.
I definitely have not been updating as much as i said i would. but all's well, because i have a good excuse! It's because...i've...been quite...okay, i really can't think of one at the moment. It's true, my laziness has gotten the better half of me. ='(

But, now that I'm here, i shall update on the past week. Yay for Ron's party on the first day of school! Oh, the things college students do to kill themselves already before the year has even started. Yes, yes, and I am one of them. Procrastination has been struggling to take over me since Day 1 in San Diego. Sighh. But, on the sunny-side up, I have attended every single class! *giggle. Sad to say however, my determination to avoid oversleeping or casually "forgetting" to attend class is not due to the whole I-am-an-oh-so-responsible-sophmore new side of me. It's more along the line of I-made-a-bet-with-kevin-so-now-we-both-have-to-attend-every-single-class...Whoever loses, owes the other a drink of the winner's preference. Boo, jergermeister. Yay for strawberry daquiri! I'm so gonna win, hands down, SUCKAA.

Putting that thought aside, let me rewind a bit to the
Ron's house-warming party.

maecy and I doing the typical mirror shot.

we're done, we're done! (before the asian glow..)

Hm, all i remember really is meeting quite a few people, forgetting their names and faces, re-introducing myself (and at the same time embarrassing myself because they happened to have remembered me the first time), and greeting everyone with a tomatoe face. Nice first impression, huh? Oh, for sure.

Oh, and my first beer pong. Whoohoo! My team won. I had no part in it, except to seduce the other team. ;) The boys on my team were perfectly fine with my lack of commitment to the team, however, because we won nontheless. Whoohoo!

Yes, you can see the creepy host himself in this picture.

Okay, let's forward a bit to the following day...

Clubbing @ TJ // theme: Naughty School Girl

the typical mirror shot again.

Haaaaa...we really do not dress like this. Ever.

the only three girls that went: Jen, Kels, and Me.

So, 3 girls and 3094803985 guys. Just kidding, but no really, it was quite a crowd. Let's just say,us girls were well protected. Special thanks go especially to Ryan and Farid, the ones whom we could trust to control unnecessary uprisings from drunken boys like George. HAH.

OH, and *barf* . 40 year-old creepy man introduced himself to me and jen as Juan. *looks at jen's boobs* "Verryyyyy Nice!" *gives her a thumbs up with a creepy smile stretched over his face* GROSS! TJ's cockfest has certainly spawned a massive group of horny, touchy, creepy, gropey guys. Luckily, Farid came to my rescue like, a bajillion time. *makes a face* I don't think I'll be in TJ for a long, long, long time...

In conclusion,


Oh, and here are the rest of the pictures from these two nights:
