Wednesday, September 26, 2007


so, ben came to help me decorate my crowded triple room and make a sushi dinner for all of us. =) *giggle. he stayed an extra day.

So here,

our first apartment dinner together in our apartment, day #2.
we are such a lovely family. =)

meet our ultimate sexy sushi chef, benjamin:

the products:

mMmm, jealous no? =) Don't these just look orgasmically delicious.

the girls just lounging around while ben and i cooked dinner.
Oh, you know, the typical chillaxing-in-front-of-the-picture-
box-in-the-living-room scenario.


so call me laggy mclaggerson.

but nonetheless here's the update on the final days of summer:

1) snorkeling @ la jolla cove, SD. =)

As you can see (thanks to ben's awesome photoskill), La jolla cove in san diego was beee-uuuu-tiful. The weather was a bit cloudy on our way there, but brightened up by the time we reached the cove, thank goodness. (: Snorkeling was an amazing first experience! It took me quite a while to adjust to the flippers and goggles, but all was well by the time we got into the deeper end of the water. That is, until water leaked into my goggles and fogged up my vision a bit. Oh, and my flipper came off and was carried off to sea, only to be saved by ben. =) After our little picnic on the top of the cove (we had a cute little picnic with the lunch he packed) and mini exploration of the concaved caves, we went to la jolla downtown, the cliffs to watch the sunset (*giggle), then back to anaheim hills to watch two movies... =) the end. what a splendorous day. (not sure if that's an actual word.)

the little cave that peeks into the ocean =)

on the way to the cliffs.


2) double-date movie.

here's our little s'more dessert at 11 pm before the movie started.
mmm, yay for star gazing under the blanket at the park until the wee morning. <3 =)

3) My first baseball game: Angels vs. Mariners.

Um, so we got raped 0-6. D; boooo. maybe i'm just a bad luck charm that brought upon this embarrassing defeat on the Angels. we didn't even make it to 3rd base, rawr.

the team.

our first baseball game. =)

mmm, fireworks!

t rained by the time we got out of anaheim.

mmm, RAIN... <3 =)

so, summer has officially ended.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It is 5:20 am, and I'm about to sleep on my bunk bed in my new apartment in SD for the first time! =)

I pretty much unpacked most of the stuff...Just have to do some decorating to liven up the place. It's a tight space, so I had to shift things around and fit everything into place as if it was some kind of tetris game...except, it's not as fun as a tetris game bacause, well, this game leaves me sweaty and tired. ='(

he's coming tomorrow, and i am excited! our plan day for tomrrow is to cook in my new apartment's kitchen, hehe. SUSHI! yayy.

OH, and i must update on the past week.
soon enough.
time to sleep though...three more hours and my roommate jen will be knocking down our door! =)
i'm excited. Okay, g'night for now!

Monday, September 17, 2007

OKAY, lets rewind a bit. =)

...with cupcake making!

yay for a delicious playdate with cindy! <3 =)
SO. We made cupcakes from scratch (okay, i lied, we cheated and bought the mix at albertson's), and then delivered them in cute little to-go boxes to some of our friends in the block. My most sincere apology to those who did not get any, but that's only because we were short on time (the cupcake-decorating took longer than we expected, either because we were having too much fun or...having too much fun? :P ) and could only deliver these scrumptious little gummy-chocolatey-creamy-cake-in-a-cup to people within the GG neighborhood.


rewind a little bit more.

...meteor shower! =)

but but, let me start from the beginning.

we went to vivian's apartment in LA to to get ready for clubbing.
met up with angela and her sorority friends, and vivian's friend Paul and his cousin Harrison at the club.

THEN, we went to eat a 1 am dinner at Tofu House, drove to villa park, got lost, saw coyotes and a skunk named patty (fondly named by Paul), winded up a hill, and lied down on the grass in search of shooting stars. I saw seven! =) The night was beautiful, and the shooting stars were breath-taking.

here's our little picnic on the grass at 4 in the morning.
(i'm sorry for taking up too much space in this picture. i didn't mean to! =[ )

YEAP. One of the most random, spontaneous night ever, and i loved it. =)


Now, let's jump over a few weeks. the OBSERVATORY =)

So jessica and i drove to cal poly pamona to meet up with harrison and his friend, Ben. =) Then we drove to pick up Paul, then headed on over to LA to pick up Vivian! Due to traffic and getting lost for the umpteenth time, we didn't make it to the Getty and missed the shuttle to the observatory. But that was A-okay. Instead, we walked up the slopey road and saw the city below us on the way, so that made up for the lack of convenience of the shuttle. =) Aaaand, the obseravatory was pretty awesome. :D

GORGEOUS, isn't it? All pictures courtesy of BENJAMIN DO! =)

hahaha this is an awesome picture.

Meet our friend...Albert Einstein. xD


Sunday, September 16, 2007

So, this past summer has been quite a delightful experience. One of the best, by far if i must say. But then again, if you think about it, every summer has always been "one of the best". Each one is a different experience, consisting of unique components that make it worthy of being a runner-up for the "Best Summer Ever" title. With that being said, I highly doubt that there ever WILL be a winner in that category--at least not in this life of mine, which is constantly changing for the better or worse.

Lets see. This summer has definitely mirrored the college life. Not to the exact point, but similar in many aspects, nonetheless. My parents have become considerably more lenient, in which i am extremely grateful for. I doubt I would be able to adapt to the intensity of changes from total freedom in San Diego to the imprisonment back home if that wasn't the case. Luckily, my parents have extended curfew time (even though they complain, they usually drop it the next morning). It must be because of the fact that I work full time and am taking full responsibility of making my own money to support myself for the nine months in sd. So they understand that the only time i can go out and have a social life is at night. Hoot, Hoot, I have become a nocturnal night owl. =)

Speaking of which, call me crazy, but I LOVE..
I do, I do, I do! My dentist is a wonderful boss. He can be stern at times when it comes to quality of work and timely management; yet, he is such a bundle of joy when it comes to playing around! He makes work so much better. I'd be working, and he'd be making fun of me, teasing me, and cracking the lamest jokes in the world! He's always telling me how he and his wife (my other boss) wants to clone me when i go to SD just so they could have me working in the office 24/7. I am absolutely flattered! *blushes.

Dentist: "Why are you always so happy and bubbly, Kaitlyn? I guess that means I have to be meaner to you then."
Me: "Why would you want me to be sad! That's just mean =( "
Dentist: "Because it's fun making my staff cry."

What else. Oh, and my coworkers are amazing. We bully each other all the time. And whenever a cutie walks in for his appointment, they'd run into my office and tell me to check him out with them. We'd be, " he cute? Nahhhhhh." "Too old." "Too young." "Too short." "Too tall." "Too skinny." "Too fat. " But then again, we all have different taste in guys. =)

Okay, enough about work.
The ultimate downside of this summer is that I haven't been able to spend as much time as i wanted to with certain people, namely, Cindy and Kim. I'm really sorry for that. The upside of this summer, however, is that I've been able to meet so many random people and have a jolly time with them--my coworker's friends (ages 22+), steve's friends from cerritos, vivian's LA friends (whom we all got introduced to at the club), and just random people that come and go every so often. =)

Oh, and I definitely can NOT possibly forget the night when i finally saw shooting stars for the very first time. That was the most spontaneous night ever. Driving to Villa Park (rich-ass neighborhood), lying on the grass at 4 in the morning, looking up at the sky for stars flashing at random intervals. sighh. =) <3
BOYS department.
Um, yeah. I don't feel comfortably telling this to the public so i guess i'll skip around a bit. Hm, summer flings. =) I don't know. For some odd reason, people are always surprised when they hear my stories. I guess my history with boys aren't what most would expect. Friend (one day on the phone)--"Yeah, so i had a talk with this anonymous person and we both agreed that you should just choose one and settle already, goddamit kaitlyn!" LOL, it's not that simple! I'm easy to get along, I think (I hope?). But it's just, I don't know, hard? I'm not saying that I mess around. Because I don't. Thats not my intention at all. It's just, well, I never imagine myself just dating around. I really don't think I'm that type. But my friends always tell me, "Go for it! Give him a chance. It's not like you'll marry him or anything. Life's about having fun, taking chances, but still being smart about it." So, I guess I take their advice? Give them a date, or two. but never anything serious. And at the same time, being smart about it. By being smart, I mean not giving in. I don't know, I do want a boyfriend, but at the same time, I don't. Either because I'm scared to, or i haven't found the right one to complement me.

"Go with the flow." Oh yes.

Ladeedaaa, I'm done. There's my update for the summer. Whew, i haven't been able to write a full update in so long. My pinky hurts from typing so much. =( I think my fingers are broken. They look funny. Rawr.

Goodnight. =)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

i am getting mighty impatient with the installation of programs to my new laptop.
RAWR. ]: waitingg, waitingg...

Monday, September 10, 2007

so like,
sad to say, this must be my umpteenth blog. xD

The point of this one? To ramble about unnecessary nonsense. again. (something i haven't been able to do in quite a long time).
My goal? To unlazify myself by avoiding the use of the "a picture is worth a thousand words" idea as an excuse for a quick update, and actually WRITE in here.

With that being said,

this shall be attempt numero...cinco!
c'iao ~