Sunday, June 22, 2008

My utmost apology for neglecting this blog for quite a while now.


So to make it up--cheers to the longest update, not really.

mMm...currently listening to: "I Can Not Forget" - Ebru

Hm...It's not that i don't have anything to write about, it's more along the line of what SHOULD i write about. Where should I start? So much has happened, but I don't know how personal i can get in this little blog of mine here...

Well, for one thing, I know a lot of people think that I moved on pretty fast after my breakup with my ex. I guess there's nothing I could really say to that because honestly, there really is nothing i CAN say to that. I mean, it's not that i moved on fast. I just felt it wasn't fair to beat around the bush, waiting for someone who would never have waited for me. to mope over someone who could've indifferently just pushed me away like that. to make someone my priority when i have only been his option all this time. Why should I let my time pass when I could be out there making the most of my time and being free to let opportunities come to me?

You know the saying, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"? I guess it holds some truth. Yeah, I absolutely miss those days when we were together. Yeah, I think about it a lot at night before I sleep, wondering.. Because of him, I got so used to always holding my phone in my hand everywhere I go, even when I'm sleeping. hahaha...It's just because I'm so used to getting phone calls from him or calling him whenever one of us was on our break between classes or work. And especially at night. Sigh. I do get sad thinking about these things...but I can't figure out whether I miss him or if I just miss what was.

On a lighter note, eeyore and jellybeans.

distractments, much? ;)

School's over. Halfway through college.
God, I'm so old now.
I wish I could just stop time.
I don't feel old. I'm still a kid at heart, I swear. I get excited over the littlest things, it scares me sometimes--heh, heh. =) But hey, according to most, I still look like a jailbait ;) This will come to my advantage 10 years from now, so HAH! Anyways, school ended on a bittersweet note. I moved into my new apartment. I feel so grown up now *smirks* No, not really.

Lets rewind.

Now, I just need to return to San Diego one of these days and unpack, clean, and sort everything out there.

Rest assured that I will have PLENTY of pictures and stories to tell when i come back a month later. Until then, enjoy these pictures from the first few days of summer <3


TRIP TO INDIO (Palm Springs) ! :)

on our way to indio...2+ hours drive can make us go kwasy.

checkin out resort suite.. :)

pooooool time! :D

massive orgy on the bed, whooo.

soooo pretty. our resort. :)

the 5 girls. <3

me and nichole in front of the really really pretty pond/waterfall.

random snake...hahaha.

awww...goodbye Indio! :(


the rest are on facebook. you know where to go. ;)

Monday, June 2, 2008


Time flies when you're having fun...not. More like keeping myself busy with distractments here and there. :)


making hte most of sungod.

oh the things we do.

this concludes my stay at UCLA.